Green Lane Nursery and
Childcare Centre

Barnard Castle
Where every child shines.
Contact US

Green Lane Nursery and
Childcare Centre

Barnard Castle
Where every child shines.
Contact US

Green Lane Nursery and
Childcare Centre

Barnard Castle
Where every child shines.
Contact US
About Us
Green Lane Nursery and Childcare Centre is a non-profit making company established in 2003.
(Ofsted Registration No. EY252401)

Our aim is to provide a safe, stimulating, friendly and caring environment for all children.

Safeguarding Children

Safeguarding is of paramount importance to us.  Staff at Green Lane Nursery & Childcare Centre will endeavour at all times to provide a happy and stimulating environment where staff, children, parents, carers, students and voluntary helpers will feel welcome. Our setting will work with children, parents, external agencies and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life. Children have the right to be treated with respect and to be safe from abuse in whatever form.

Our safeguarding aims are:

·       to provide safe and effective care to enable our children to have the best possible outcomes,

·       to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all,

·       to protect our children from maltreatment: neglect, abuse and harm, by identifying concerns early,

·       to promote children’s mental and physical health, and development, and

·       to prevent any concerns from escalating by providing early support.

Our three key safeguarding policies can be found on the website:

·      Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

·      Behaviour Policy

·      Whistle blowing Policy


All staff are appropriately trained in Safeguarding and receive regular updates to enhance their training. We ensure Safer Recruitment regulations are followed when recruiting staff.

We have a clear commitment to protect children and to promote welfare/development.  Should anyone believe that this policy is not being upheld they must report the matter to the Nursery Manager or the registered nominated person as soon as possible.


Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mel Mitchell

Deputy Safeguarding Leads – Christianne Bousfield, Jemma Fletcher

Message from THE Nursery Manager

Welcome to our nursery here at Green Lane Nursery and Childcare Centre.

We provide outstanding childcare staffed by dedicated passionate and highly qualified practitioners who provide a safe, calm and nurturing, home to home environment ‘Where every child shines’.

We focus on the well-being of children and staff by providing opportunities and environments that stimulate curiosity. We continuously reflect on our teaching and environment so that we cater for every child. Observations are key to identifying and providing the tools to further a child’s interest so that they continue to be curious.

We have introduced various items of curiosity to capture the children’s interest and imagination. We are working towards making the children’s experiences as real as possible, replacing the traditional plastic toys with ceramics, breakables and artefacts which encourage risk taking and a deep understanding of respect for resources. A child loves to mimic and replicate the actions of significant people around them, yet we give them miniature, child sized replicas of the real thing. Plastic toys and resources sadly offer no consequences; they can be dropped, thrown without any repercussion. We need to teach children skills for life, how to negotiate problems and manage risks.

We encourage the children to be independent by allowing them to put on their own outdoor wear on, pour their own drinks and prepare their own snacks under close supervision. Independence is an essential life skill and one that needs to be nurtured from an early age.

We offer flexible childcare for children up to the age of twelve years old and work very closely with Green Lane Church of England Controlled Primary School to ensure a smooth transition into school.

I hope you find our website informative. If you have any questions or would like to come and have a look around our setting, please contact us on: 01833 638581

Yours faithfully

Mel Mitchell

Nursery Manager

Ofsted REPORT November 2019

" The learning environment inspires children's natural curiosity and they are keen to lead their own play "

" Children are superbly well prepared to develop skills for future learning "

" Staff provide an inclusive environment where the uniqueness of each child is celebrated and opportunities for learning about the wider world are abundant "

Full November 2019 Ofsted Report - click here

What Parents Say

"We appreciate everyone’s hard work and we know our child is well cared for."
"Staff are amazing and my daughter loves nursery and her friends."
"It is a fantastic provision and T is really happy there."
"Great environment for children to develop. Really appreciate the children getting outside so much & also like that they are encouraged to be independent, eg. Serving own food."
"The team are amazing and I love how the environment gets updated regularly."
"There is always a varied and stimulating environment and turn over of resources is well managed."
"I am very happy with the nursery staff – who are honest with both positive and things to improve/concerns. Staff are very approachable and supportive."
"B loves nursery and positively talks about his experience every day."
"Great childcare setting. Lovely staff. All friendly and provide excellent care and activities for the children."